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Leg Injury

“The courts of this country should not be the places where resolution of disputes begins. They should be the places where the disputes end after alternative methods of resolving disputes have been considered and tried.”

– Sandra Day O'Connor

Personal Injury

Working closely with plaintiff, defense and insurance counsel to resolve personal injury disputes is integral part of CT Mediation and Arbitration Services, LLC. With more than three decades of ADR experience, insight and innovation at their disposal, our mediators and arbitrators provide unparalleled service, results and value.


With their extensive knowledge of the law and the sticking points that can arise in personal injury disputes, we are able to quickly identify and address key issues. We remain sensitive to the deeply personal issues that can arise from these matters, and are able to understand the needs of all sides on even the most contentious disputes. When the goal of a personal injury case is more about recognition of harm caused than money, our mediators and arbitrators are able to facilitate resolutions that involve acknowledgement of pain and grief.


We offer streamlined and affordable options for cases of every size and complexity, including a program tailored specifically for half-day personal injury mediations.


Our Personal Injury panel includes highly skilled former litigators who have gained the trust and respect of both plaintiff and defense bars, as well as insurance counsel. Our mediators are persuasive and persistent, advancing creative settlement solutions and engaging in extensive follow-up if needed. Our arbitrators provide fair and reasoned decisions and carefully manage the process, and neutrals who oversee the distribution of settlement funds have earned the respect of both sides of the bar for their fairness and efficiency.

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