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“Peace is not the absence of conflict,

but the ability to cope with it.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

Family Law

Family Law Mediation is a process for couples who want to either divorce, resolve custody or other support matters or are seeking to stop the ongoing battle post the divorce involving custody, alimony or ongoing property disputes. Divorce mediation services allow you to maintain control of the process with the help of our certified divorce mediator and develop a fair and equitable dissolution of your marriage.

The process reduces the stress on each of you because you make all of the decisions together. It can further lessen the impact on your children. By mediating your family law matter, you create your own agreement and agree to the timing, rather than having a judge decide what is best for you and your family. The parenting plan, the division of marital property, child support and the financial issues will be agreed upon in the privacy of our meetings. The divorce mediation services can be provided in our
offices in Guilford, CT or through zoom meetings. We can actually have you divorced form the comfort of your own home as there is no longer a requirement that you attend a hearing in person to finalize your divorce. Provided an agreement is filed with appropriate paperwork, the Court will enter orders on the papers.


Areas of Family Law our staff has successfully mediated:


1. Divorce;
2. Custody and Support of minor children;
3. Parenting plans of the minor children;
4. Support of special needs children;
5. Alimony;
6. Division of marital property including residence, personal property, investment and retirement accounts, etc.


The process starts with a meeting with all parties to determine if the mediation process is appropriate for your situation. Meetings will then be scheduled and conducted in person or via zoom with all parties or individual participants, working towards a settlement.


"Get divorced in the comfort of your own living room."


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